Thursday, March 4, 2010

Darci's Dress Up Quilt - Doll #2

One of the more interesting aspects of this project is watching what the other gals in my quilt group are doing.  Most of us have the newer sewing machines/computers with great decorative stitches, so a lot of the dresses showcase these stitches.  Members who love to do hand embroidery are exercising their skills and putting cute little flowers and vines on the collars of the dresses or stitching along the hems.  A few have made vests, aprons, or even purses of their own designs.  We're not ready for Project Runway yet, but we're having fun!

I  had a great time with my next attempt at dress design.  First, I really liked the pink fabric.  Then, one of the ladies brought in scraps from another project and offered them up for grabs.  I think the tiny red flowers go perfectly with the dress fabric.  Adding the red heart buttons gave it an extra splash.  So, I'm feeling more confident as a designer.  My dresses won't be too "cutesy" since that's not my style, but I'm trying to push for creative thinking.

What I really, really like doing is buttonhole appliqué by machine.  It suits me to a "t" - precise, even, controlled.  Makes me sound pretty dull, I know.  Oh, well.  I yam, what I yam, what I yam as Popeye used to say!

The best book I have in my library on machine appliqué is Harriet Hargrave's Mastering Machine Appliqué.  I bought the 2nd edition used, and it was a terrific investment.  I highly recommend this for your library if you are a quilter or even someone who might put a cute appliqué on a child's or grandchild's garment.  There are lots of pictures for all types of appliqué techniques.  The step-by-step instructions for turning corners and curves are invaluable.  It's even spiral bound so that it can sit right next to the sewing machine as you work.  Check it out from your local library to see if it appeals to you.

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