Sunday, February 28, 2010


I hated Sundays when I was growing up.  It should have been the best day of the week.  Sunday was my Dad's only day off.  Occasionally, we would have a family outing which was always fun.  But the typical Sunday was boring, boring, boring for a kid. 

My sister and I went to Sunday School until reaching the age where we rebelled and said "no more."  Dad caught up on household fix-it chores in the morning.  Mom made a big Sunday dinner which was served promptly at 2 p.m.  Most weeks, she made a beef roast or baked chicken, mashed potatoes, a fresh veggie, and lots and lots and lots of thick delicious gravy loaded with fat - the kind of gravy no one makes any more because we know better.  If we were truly lucky and Mom was feeling ambitious, she would make her fabulous rice pudding.  It baked in the oven for hours driving us nuts with the aromas of lovely cream, sugar, and cinnamon.  Every half hour, Mom opened the oven door and stirred the pudding so that the thickening layer on the top mixed in with the rest of the pudding.

So why was I so bored?  After dinner, Dad retired to the living room floor to "watch" sports on tv - the only tv in the house.  Within 10 minutes, he would be sound asleep for the remainder of the afternoon.  We weren't allowed to change the channel, though, because Mom reminded us that it was Dad's only day off and he wanted to "watch" sports!  Kids in our neighborhood didn't play together on Sundays; it was considered a family day.  So we were left with homework (yuck), playing together (yuck), reading or listening to 45s.  I love to read, but not for hour after hour after hour!  To a kid, the afternoon seemed endless until 7 p.m. when Lassie came on and we could have a Sunday night snicky snack in front of the tv - a special treat.

Today, I had a great Sunday.  Since DH is off to Carlsbad to work on his dad's house, I had the whole day to myself - to sew, watch the Olympics, read the paper leisurely, and enjoy the quiet!  Well, except for the chatter of the Bernina happily embroidering along ....

Here's what I see when I look up from the Bernina to see the outside world.  It rained all day yesterday, again, but this morning was bright and crisp and clear.  There were birds all over this tree singing merrily.  Spring must be near!  I can't remember the name of this tree (I am among the worst gardeners in the world), but it will soon be covered in pink blooms followed by deep burgundy leaves.  We usually have at least one nest in this tree per season - nothing yet.

I spent the morning finishing up another block for the Darci's Dresses quilt then started on an embroidery project.  Pictures to come!  I have a tv in the sewing room right next to the Bernina, so I've been watching the hockey game since noon.  We're in overtime!  What a great finish to a wonderful Olympics.  You couldn't write a better script.

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